About Cassandra Boyson
Cassandra Boyson is author of Amazon bestselling Christian Fantasy series, The Seeker's Trilogy, as well as her latest series, Chronicles of the Chosen. Her thrilling books not only send imaginations soaring but inspire the supernatural walk every Christian is destined to live out as Jesus did. They also include topics such as salvation and the matchless love of the Great One.
Trained by powerful, prophetic parents and a God Who’s never left her side, she considers the Christian walk through the perspective of a warrior by finding strength in the Spirit, combating the enemy through prayer and spiritual warfare and defying darkness through the Word and the weapon of the tongue. She believes heroes are everyday Christians who choose both love and boldness in a world working to strip them of their destiny: to embrace their inheritance as God’s reigning heirs with the authority of His Son’s name.
Cassandra lives by the mantra that the secret of life and the key to happiness lie in a daily and active relationship with the Holy Spirit of God, Who was never meant to be an accessory but a Personage to be loved with ALL our heart, soul, mind and strength (Matt. 22:37). In Him is found the Ultimate Treasure, with whom nothing and no one can compete. From that place of ardent friendship flows every blessing under the sun. "In Your presence is fullness of joy and in Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11
For inspiration pertaining to the above, follow her on her facebook page and blog.
Remember Who You Are
AS HUMANS FORMED BY the hands of a creative, imaginative God, we crave the supernatural. Believe it or not, we yearn for the very power we are actually destined for. It is why media concerning magic, witchcraft and sorcery is so prevalent today, because we were born for greater planes than most of us have currently seen.
Amazingly, we are actually created to work in the same supernatural powers displayed in the Bible and we are feeling the lack of it as our culture turns to crafty, counterfeit imitations. Though there are a few who perform miraculous acts around the world, the rest of us are left leading considerably mundane lives in a compromised condition, as if in half-form.
Nevertheless, we are sons and daughters made in the image of an all-powerful God Who longs to see us live as supernatural kingdom-beings who have claimed their birthright and are moving in signs and wonders to lead a generation to Him. Assuredly, it is possible to manifest God’s glory through His great power in order to heal the wounded, sick and dying and bring hope and life to people who are dry and desolate.
One day, it may even be possible to breathe underwater without scuba gear or fly without aviation. As for seeking, that is a gift accessible to anyone. Seek God, soak up His presence and you will find all you long for, completing the destiny He planned for you before you were formed in your mother’s womb.
MY QUESTION IS THIS: Do you long to move in the supernatural? If yes, the answer is simple. Seek. Seek Him. He is waiting.